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 Homefleet Ships starting with G 

Norwegian Merchant Fleet 1939 - 1945
Ships starting with G

Ships in Foreign Trade (allied service)

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= the ship was in Nortraship's Fleet
= the ship was sunk (or otherwise lost)

= steam ship
= steam tanker
= motor vessel
= motor tanker
= turbine tanker

Name of Ship
Managed By
  • M/T G. C. Brøvig NS
Th. Brøvig, Farsund
9718 gt
Built in Gothenburg, Sweden 1930.

G. C. Brøvig has some additional information, as well as details on her war voyages.

  • M/S Gabon NS
A/S Rederiet Odfjell, Bergen
4651 gt
Built in Landskrona, Sweden 1931. Previous names: Sunnanvik until 1934, Rose until 1936.

One of the 26 ships interned in North and West Africa from 1940 till 1942. Interned Ships has a list of all 26, and my page about Gabon has more details on the ship and voyages.

  • D/S Galatea NS *
Th. Gjesdal, Bergen
1152 gt
Built in Bergen 1912.

See D/S Galatea (includes a crew list and voyage information).

  • M/T Gallia NS
The Texas Company (Norway) A/S, Oslo
9968 gt
Built in Hamburg, Germany 1939.

Please continue to M/T Gallia for more information, including voyages.

  • D/S Galtesund NS
A/S Arendals Dampskibsselskab, Arendal
623 gt
Built in Copenhagen 1905. Previous names: Skandia until 1919, Skandia II until 1920.

Read more under D/S Galtesund.

  • D/S Gansfjord NS
Kornelius Olsen, Stavanger
1087 gt
Built in Stavanger 1913.

Please continue to D/S Gansfjord (includes details on war voyages).

  • M/T Gard NS
H. M. Wrangell & Co. A/S, Haugesund
8259 gt
Built in Gothenburg, Sweden 1938.

Find out more about this ship and her voyages at M/T Gard.

  • D/S Garnes NS
Kr. Jebsen jr., Bergen
1559 gt
Built in Bergen 1930.

Please continue to D/S Garnes for more information, including details on her voyages.

  • M/T Garonne NS
Fearnley & Eger, Oslo
7113 gt
Built in Copenhagen 1931.

All my available information on this ship has been assembled on a separate page, M/T Garonne (includes a picture).

  • D/S Gaston Micard NS
Sig. S. Årstad, Bergen
983 gt
Built in Larvik, Norway 1917. Previously Røvær, Dorothea, Sjøsprøit and Spero (1933).

See D/S Gaston Micard for more.

  • M/S Gausdal NS
Boe & Pedersen, Oslo
4795 gt
Built in Odense Denmark 1930. Previous names: Guldborg until 1933, Høegh Trader until 1936.

See M/S Gausdal (incl. a picture).

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  • M/T Gefion NS
Eivind Evensen, Oslo
9475 gt
Built in Malmö, Sweden 1938.

My page M/T Gefion has information on some of her convoy voyages during the war.

  • M/S Geisha NS
Knut Knutsen O. A. S., Haugesund
5113 gt
Built in Amsterdam, Holland 1921.

M/S Geisha has more information.

  • M/S General Fleischer NS
5164 gt
Built Beaumont, Texas 1943. Previous name: Cape Barnabas 1943.

One of 10 (11?) ships added to Nortraship's Fleet in 1943, see my page "Ship Statistics and Misc." under "Gains 1943" for a list of the others. General Fleischer was taken over in Beaumont, Texas on April 30.

Please continue to M/S General Fleischer for war details.

  • M/S General Ruge NS
5154 gt
Built in Beaumont, Texas 1943. Previous name Cape Arago.

Also one of the ships added to Nortraship's Fleet in 1943, on bareboat charter from the War Shipping Administration. Please click on this link to my page about M/S General Ruge for more information.

  • D/S Germa NS
Johan Gerrard jr., Kristiansand
5282 gt
Built in Belfast, Ireland 1920. Previous names: Boswell until 1934, Adderstone until 1937.

See D/S Germa.

  • M/T Germania
The Texas Co. (Norway) A/S, Oslo
9977 gt
Built in Hamburg, Germany 1939. Renamed India in 1940.

This company was controlled by The Texas Co., US, and its ships managed by Haakon Chr. Mathiesen, Oslo.

India was sunk by auxiliary cruiser Michel 20S 115W, no survivors. See M/T India on my "Norwegian Victims of Michel" page.

Germany also had a ship by the name Germania, built in 1938, 9851 gt., also built in Hamburg.

  • D/S Gezina NS
Th. Brøvig, Farsund
1828 gt
Built in Wyandotte, Michigan 1917. Previous names: War Beaver, Lake Erie.

Read more at D/S Gezina (also has a post war picture).

Gi - Go
  • D/S Gimle * neutral
Erling J. Torstensen, Arendal
1271 gt
Built Hedrik Ido Ambacht, Holland 1916. Previous names: Froland until 1919, Troldheimen until 1920.

More info on this ship as well as details on her final fate and a casualty list can be found on my page D/S Gimle.

  • M/T Glarona NS
Tschudi & Eitzen, Oslo
9912 gt
Built in Gothenburg, Sweden 1928.

See M/T Glarona.

  • D/S Glitrefjell * neutral
Olsen & Ugelstad, Oslo
1568 gt
Built in Porsgrunn, Norway 1934.

Captain Elmar Malmgren. Torpedoed and sunk by U-59 (Jürst) on Dec. 16-1939, 56 21N 00 38E (east of St. Abb's Head), when on a voyage from Oslo to the Tyne in ballast. 5 died, including the captain. The 13 survivors were rescued by the Greek Icarion a few hours later and taken to Leith. (J. Rohwer gives the attack position as 56 14N 01 04E).

In addition to Captain Malmgren, the following are commemorated at the Memorial for Seamen in Stavern, Norway:
Ordinary Seaman Kristian Veider Haugen, Able Seaman Kristoffer Emil Marthinussen, Steward Karl Marinius Richardsen, and 3rd Mate/Radio Operator Sigurd Stokka.

Related external links:
Stavern commemorations


  • M/T Glittre NS*
Peder Smedvig, Stavanger
6409 gt
Built in Gothenburg, Sweden 1928.

Please go to M/T Glittre for more information on this ship, as well as details on her final fate and a crew list at the time.

  • Globe I, II, V, VI*, VII, VIII, IX NS
Melsom & Melsom, Larvik
between 206 and 304 gt
Whale catchers.

See my page about the Globe whale catchers.

  • M/S Glomdal
Moltzau & Christensen, Oslo
3856 gt
Built in Landskrona, Sweden 1940.

Launched in 1940 by Öresunds Varv A/B, Landskrona, Sweden (57) as Glomdal for A/S Rendal (Moltzau & Christensen), Oslo, but delivered in July that year to Rederi-A/B Dalen (Otto Kihlström), Gothenburg. 3856 gt, 2170 net, 5865 tdwt. She was not in service while in Norwegian ownership.

POST WAR: Sold to Portugal in 1946, renamed Aire. Sold to Spain in 1952, renamed Ciudad Rodrigo. Became Panamanian Acuario Diez in 1984. Broken up in 1987.

A/S Moltzaus Tankrederi (Moltzau & Christensen), Oslo had another ship by this name after the war, delivered as such in Dec.-1949, also built at Landskrona, 3227 gt. Sold to Germany in 1956 and renamed Alsterkamp. Became Yugoslavian Plod in 1964. Broken up in 1973.

  • Gos 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 NS
Bruun & von der Lippe, Tønsberg
between 274 and 366 gt
Whale catchers.

See my page about the Gos whale catchers.

  • D/S Goviken NS *
Wallem & Co. A/S, Bergen
4854 gt
Built in Seattle (WA), USA, 1917. Previous name: Golden Gate.

For more information, follow this link to D/S Goviken (includes details on her final fate and a crew list at the time).

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  • D/S Graciosa NS *
Hans Kiær & Co., Drammen
1773 gt
Built in Port Glasgow 1917. Previous names: Rabymere until 1925, Edfou until 1929.

Captain Mathias Rasmussen. Badly damaged in the Fort Stikine explosion in Bombay on April 14-1944, total loss. D/S Graciosa has more (incl. a crew list at the time).

  • D/S Grado NS *
Hans Fr. Grann, Oslo
3082 gt
Built in Monmouthshire (Scotland? England?) 1918. Previous names: War Forest until 1920, Abergallus until 1925, Thermidor until 1926, Greek Andreas Gerakis until 1927, Louis Mercier until 1937.

More information is available on my page D/S Grado, which includes details on her loss and a crew list at the time.

  • M/S Gran NS *
A/S Rederiet Odfjell, Bergen
4140 gt
Built in Burntisland 1938.

One of the 26 Norwegian ships interned in North and West Africa, 1940-1942; see M/S Gran.

  • D/S Gran *
Wallem & Co., Hong Kong
(Panamanian flag)
2049 gt
Built in Japan 1919. Previous names: Kamiji Maru, Gran, then Ming-Shan until 1937.

Pre war history: Delivered in July-1919 from Toba Shipyard, Toba, Japan (53) as Kamiji Maru to Teikoku Steamship Co., Toba, Japan. Sold in 1919 to A/S D/S Hassel (A/S Rederiet Odfjell), Bergen and renamed Gran. Sold in Oct.-1932 to San Peh SN Co. Ltd, Shanghai, China and renamed Ming-Shan. Sold in 1937 to Wallem & Co., Hong Kong (Panama) and renamed Gran again.

WW II: Seized by the Japanese in Bangkok on Dec. 9-1941, renamed Sugi Maru No. 5 in 1942, torpedoed by the British submarine HMS Statesman on Aug. 22-1944 and sunk in 11 40N 92 45E (Port Blair, Andaman Islands).

(Some sources, including Charles Hocking, give the tonnage as 1983 gt for this ship).

  • D/S Granfoss NS
Thor Thoresen A/S, Oslo
1462 gt
Built in Oslo 1913. Previous names: Granfos until 1937.

Some more details are available on my page D/S Granfoss (includes a picture of this ship when Granfos).

  • D/S Granli NS *
Rolf Ugelstad, Oslo
1577 gt
Built in Oslo 1935. Previous name: Siredal until 1938.

Please go to D/S Granli for some more details (incl. crew list)

  • M/S Granville NS
A. F. Klaveness & Co. A/S. Oslo
5745 gt
Built in Odense, Denmark 1930.

See M/S Granville.

  • M/T Grena NS *
A/S J. Ludwig Mowinckels Rederi, Bergen
8117 gt
Built in Gothenburg 1934.

All available information on this ship has been assembled on a separate page, M/T Grena, which includes details on her loss as well as a crew list at the time.

  • M/S Grenanger NS *
Westfal Larsen & Co. A/S, Bergen
5393 gt
Built in Fiume 1939.

For more information, incl. crew list, please continue to M/S Grenanger.

  • M/S Gressholm * neutral
Brødrene Anda, Stavanger
(or Thorleif Johnsen, Stavanger?)
619 gt
Built 1921? 1930? Previous name: Neptun until 1939.

Struck a mine and sank in on Oct. 13-1939 - read more about Gressholm's history and fate.

  • D/S Grey County NS
Klaus Wiese Hansen, Bergen
5194 gt
Built in Hull, England 1918. Previous names: War Lark until 1919, Turkistan until 1925.

D/S Grey County has more details, including info on some of her convoy voyages.

  • D/S Gribb NS
A/S Thor Dahl, Sandefjord
280 gt
Built in Oslo 1930. Previous name Hektor 9 until 1934.

Whale catcher, owned by A/S Ørnen, Sandefjord. Signal letters LDQC. Hired by South African Navy in 1941 for use as a minesweeper.

POST WAR: Returned Apr. 5-1946. Sold in March-1953 to Brødrene Thaule, Haugesund.

Thor Dahl had also had whale catcher Grib, built in Sandefjord in 1907, 140 gt, sold in 1911 to the Norwegian Canadian Whaling Co. A/S. Lost in Canada 1914 (or 1915). Another Grib was built 1925, 227 gt, sold in Aug.-1934 to Norske Hvalprodukter A/S, Oslo, renamed Isen. Grib II was built in England in 1911, 172 gt, sold in 1931 to Buenos Aires and renamed Borreales.

  • D/S Gro NS *
O. Grolle Olsen & I. Hysing Olsen, Bergen
4211 gt
Built in Sunderland, England 1917. Previous name Tenterden until 1920.

Follow this link to D/S Gro for more (incl. crew list).

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Gu - Gy
  • D/S Gudrun NS
Birger Pedersen & Søn, Haugesund
1128 gt
Built in Fredrikstad 1919. Previous name: Ragnhild until 1935.

Please continue to D/S Gudrun.

  • D/S Gudvang NS *
H. Gjerpen, Oslo
1470 gt
Built in Fredrikstad 1912. Previous name: Stalheim until 1936.

According to A. Hague, Gudvang sailed in the Norway-U.K. Convoy HN 7 in Jan.-1940. She must have returned to Norway, because at the beginning of March that year we find her in the original Advance Sailing Telegram for Convoy HN 16 from Norway to the U.K., cargo of pulp for Preston - follow the links for more info, several Norwegian ships took part.

Gudvang was one of the well known, so called "Kvarstad"-ships that attempted to break out of Sweden on March 31/April 1-1942 following a long court case there. Only 2 out of a total of 10 ships involved managed to reach their destination (Operation Performance, Sir George Binney). Please go to my page Kvarstad Ships & Men for background facts and details on the breakout and all ships involved, with a crew list for each ship as well as info on their fate.

(See also my page Ships in Sweden for a list of, and information on the other Norwegian ships there in 1940).

It looks like this company had another ship by this name after the war. See this message in my Guestbook. This may have been WW II's Maud? Scroll down to the Post War details for that ship.

  • D/S Gudveig * neutral
H. Gjerpen, Oslo
1300 gt
Built at Odense, Denmark 1920. Previous name: Robert Maersk.

See D/S Gudveig.

  • D/S Gudvin NS
Hans Gjerpen, Oslo
1931 gt
Built in Fevig, Norway 1918. Previous name: Sørland until 1933.

My page about D/S Gudvin has more details.

  • D/S Gudvor NS
Hans Gjerpen, Oslo
2289 gt
Built in Sunderland 1928. Previous name St Therese until 1937.

A separate page about D/S Gudvor has more information.

  • D/S Gulhaug NS
Lars Mæland, Haugesund
(until Febr.-1940)
1243 gt
Built in Copenhagen, Denmark 1910. Previous name: Activ until 1915.

Please continue to D/S Gulhaug.

  • D/S Gun NS
Sig. Gulbrandsen, Oslo
670 gt
Built at Hansweert 1918. Previous names: Elgen, Siggen, Eina, Soltind, Belize.

Please continue to D/S Gun for more information.

  • D/S Gunda NS *
Einar Lange, Oslo
2241 gt
Built in Duluth, Minnesota 1919. Previous name: Chantier until 1929.

See D/S Gunda for more details (incl. crew list at the time of loss).

  • M/S Gundersen NS *
Chr. Gundersen & Co., Oslo
1841 gt
Built in Gothenburg 1927.

M/S Gundersen has more (final fate and crew list).

  • D/S Gundine
Jørgen P. Jensen, Arendal - until 1939
6025 gt
Built in Sparrow Point, Maryland 1921. Previous names: Emilie Deutsch de la Meurthe until 1930.

SOLD IN 1939 to Italy and renamed Antonia C. Scuttled at Massowah on Apr. 4-1941. Broken up in 1951. ("World's Merchant Fleets 1939", Roger W. Jordan).

  • D/S Gunny NS *
Eilert Lund, Bergen
2362 gt
Built at Willington-Quay-on-Tyne 1920.

D/S Gunny has an account of her sinking, crew list and a picture of the ship.

  • D/S Gunvor NS *
Bachke & Co., Trondheim
1942 gt
Built in Trondheim 1935.

D/S Gunvor has details on her final fate along with a crew list at the time of loss.

  • D/S Gvas II NS
A/S Thor Dahl, Sandefjord
251 gt
Built in Sandefjord, Norway 1926.

Whale catcher, delivered in Sept.-1926 from Framnæs Mek. Værksted, Sandefjord as whale catcher Gvas II to A/S Ørnen (A/S Thor Dahl), Sandefjord. Steel hull, steam engine. Signal letters LCLZ.

WW II: A document received from the National Archives of Norway, showing some of her voyages, states she arrived Trinidad on Apr. 15-1940, leaving again on the 24th (destination not given). She was in Trinidad again on May 31, departing that same day, arriving Bermuda on June 7.

Hired by Royal Navy in June-1940 as auxiliary patrol vessel (converted to mine sweeper). Laid up with damage in Dec.-1944.

POST WAR: Returned to Thor Dahl in June 1946. Sold on April 14-1947 to Kaspar Nilsen, Sand, Ryfylke, not in use. Sold in 1947 to Brødrene Anda, Hundvåg, Stavanger. Converted to combined freighter/seiner/salvage vessel. As per 1954 she was 111.9’ x 23.1’ x 14.3’, 267 gt, a 5cyl 4tev Harland & Wolff dm 500bhp (1942, from MMS) motor installed. Entered service as Jadar in 1948 (fishery No. R-27-S), used in connection with raising wrecks and for transport of scrap in the summertime, otherwise hired out as seiner for the winter herring season. Lengthened in 1957. Sold in 1963 to P/r / Karsten Østervold, Austevoll, renamed Karoløs (H-47-AV), converted to fishing vessel. In 1964 a 12cyl 4tev Caterpillar dm 765 bhp motor was installed. Sold in 1976 to P/r Bud / Egil Kongshaug, Bruhagen, Averøy, renamed Bud, fishing off West Africa. Sold to Chile in Oct.-1982. (Some of these post war details were received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: "Båter, baser og barske menn" by Leo Oterhals 1997, info from Axel Kuhn and misc.).

Thor Dahl had also had a whale catcher named Gvas earlier on, built in England in 1911, 175 gt. Owned in 1930 by A/S Afrika, (Waalmann & Bugge, Tønsberg), renamed Windegg. Later managed by Bjarne Gundersen, Sandefjord (same owners) from 1931, renamed Gun 4. Owned by Hvalfangerselskapet Afrika (Frithjof Bettum, Sandefjord) from 1934.

  • D/S Gyda NS *
William Hansen, Bergen
1591 gt
Built in Bergen 1920. Previous name: Gijonés until 1926.

D/S Gyda has information on her loss and a crew list at the time.

  • M/T Gylfe NS
Eivind Evensen, Oslo
6129 gt
Built in Newcastle upon Tyne 1930.

See M/T Gylfe.

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D/S Ringulv's Story:
O. C. Holm | Odd's letters | D/S Ringulv | Evacuation from Le Havre | Labor Camps In Africa | Rudzin's Diary | Messel's Diary

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