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Norwegian Merchant Fleet 1939 - 1945
Ships starting with L

Ships in Foreign Trade (allied service)

Please read this

= the ship was in Nortraship's Fleet
= the ship was sunk (or otherwise lost)

= steam ship
= steam tanker
= motor vessel
= motor tanker
= turbine tanker

Name of Ship
Managed By
  • M/S L. A. Christensen NS *
Hjalmar Røed & Co., Tønsberg
4362 gt
Built in Hamburg, Germany 1925.

See M/S L.A. Christensen (incl. crew list at the time of loss).

  • D/S Lab NS *
H. Tangvald Pedersen, Porsgrunn
1118 gt
Built in Oslo 1912.

My page D/S Lab has more info, w/crew list at the time of loss.

  • D/S Lago NS
C. T. Gogstad & Co., Oslo
2552 gt
Built in Sunderland 1929. Previous name: Vinnie until 1934.

Please continue to D/S Lago.

  • D/S Lampas
N. Chr. Evensen, Oslo
5055 gt
Built in Stockton-on-Tees 1916. Previous name: Laurelleaf until 1922.

SOLD IN 1939 to Greece and renamed Loida (Panamanian flag).

  • Lancing NS *
Melsom & Melsom, Larvik
7866 gt
Built in Glasgow 1898. Previous names: Knight Errant until 1914, Rio Tiete until 1915, Omsk until 1921, Calanda until 1922, Flackwell until 1925 (converted tanker 1925).

For more information on this ship (including crew list at the time of loss), follow this link to Lancing.

  • M/T Langanger NS * later raised
Westfal-Larsen & Co. A/S, Bergen
9215 gt
Built in Port Glasgow 1930.

See my page M/T Langanger for more details on this ship (also, Interned Ships).

  • D/S Lappen * neutral
557 gt
Built in Middlesbrough 1893. Previous names: Ran, Wendla, Lillian.

See D/S Lappen for more info, including some details on her loss.

  • M/S Laurits Swenson NS
Fred Olsen & Co., Oslo
5725 gt
Built in Odense, Denmark 1930.

Please follow this link M/S Laurits Swenson for more, including a picture.

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  • D/S Le Norvegien II NS
Den norske Amerikalinje A/S, Oslo
1058 gt
Built in Hamburg 1921. Previous names: Minna, Amsel, Proteus.

Please see D/S Le Norvegien II (includes information on her war voyages).

  • D/S Ledaal NS
A. Gowart Olsen & E. Gundersen, Stavanger
3076 gt
Built in Blyth 1899. Previous names: Everingham II, Polcarne, Skogland and Skudefjord.

My page D/S Ledaal has more.

  • M/T Leiesten NS *
Rafen & Loennechen, Tønsberg
6118 gt
Built in Newcastle upon Tyne 1930.

For more information on this ship, incl. crew list at the time of loss, please continue to M/T Leiesten.

  • M/S Leif NS *
C. T. Gogstad & Co., Oslo
1582 gt
Built in Gothenburg, Sweden 1937.

See M/S Leif for more information (w/crew list).

  • D/S Leikanger NS *
Westfal-Larsen & Co. A/S, Oslo
4003 gt
Built in Port Glasgow 1923.

D/S Leikanger has more information, as well as a picture and info on her final fate, with summaries of statements given at the subsequent maritime hearings and a crew list at the time of loss.

  • M/T Leiv Eiriksson NS *
T. Dannevig & Co., Oslo
9952 gt
Built in Vegesack, Germany 1936.

Torpedoed and sunk by U-126 (Bauer) on June 27-1942. This page has a summary of the report from the maritime hearings and a crew list. Also lists some of the convoys she was in prior to being sunk.

  • D/S Leiv Eiriksson NS
7177 gt
Built Wilmington NC 1943. Previous name: John Wright Stanly (Liberty ship).

More information is available at D/S Leiv Eiriksson.

  • D/S Leka NS
C. T. Gogstad & Co., Oslo
1599 gt
Built East Cowes 1922. Previous name: Hitherwood until 1926.

Please continue to D/S Leka for more.

  • D/S Lektor Garbo NS
7247 gt
Built in Houston, Texas 1945. Previous name: Alfred L. Baxley.

My page about D/S Lektor Garbo has more information, including her voyages.

  • M/S Lenda NS *
Leif Erichsen, Bergen
4005 gt
Built in Sunderland 1924. Previous name: Lenfield until 1937.

M/S Lenda has more information (w/crew list).

  • D/S Leo NS *
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
1367 gt
Built at La Trait, France 1924.

D/S Leo has more, incl. crew list at the time of loss.

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  • D/S Libra NS
Henrik Østervold, Bergen
1536 gt
Built in Port Glasgow 1917. Previous names: Grangetown until 1921, Grangewood until 1936.

Please continue to D/S Libra, which includes information on her war voyages.

  • D/S Lido NS
C. T Gogstad & Co., Oslo
1918 gt
Built in Oslo 1930.

See D/S Lido.

  • M/S Lidvard NS
Lauritz Kloster, Oslo
4785 gt
Built in Malmö, Sweden 1939.

M/S Lidvard has information on her voyages (w/crew list at the time of escape).

  • D/S Lillemor NS
Th. Brøvig, Farsund
1571 gt
Built in Fredrikstad, Norway 1935. Previous name: Margit R until 1937.

Please see D/S Lillemor.

  • D/S Lillgunvor NS
Th. Brøvig, Farsund
1305 gt
Built in Stavanger 1930. Previous name Vardvik until 1934.

Please see D/S Lillgunvor.

  • D/S Lilly I NS
Lars Kyrkjebø, Bergen
309 gt
Built in Thorskog 1916. Previous name: Lilly until 1935.

See D/S Lilly I.

  • M/T Lincoln Ellsworth NS *
T. Dannevig & Co., Oslo
5580 gt
Built in Gothenburg 1927.

See M/T Lincoln Ellsworth for a picture and details on her final fate, as well as a crew list at the time.

  • M/T Lind NS
A/S Rederiet Odfjell, Bergen
461 gt
Built in Slikkerveer, Netherlands 1938. Managed by Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd., London during the war.

Please continue to M/T Lind. She was one of the well known "Kvarstad"-ships that attempted to break out of Sweden on March 31/April 1-1942 following a long court case there. Only 2 out of a total of 10 ships involved managed to reach their destination, Lind being one of them (Operation Performance, Sir George Binney). My page Kvarstad Ships & Men has background facts and details on the breakout and all ships involved, with a crew list for each ship as well as info on their fate.

  • D/S Lindvangen NS *
Gørrisen & Co. A/S, Oslo
2412 gt
Built in Danzig 1931.

See D/S Lindvangen.

  • M/S Lionel NS
Alf Mohn, Oslo
5653 gt
Built in Odense, Denmark 1926.

Captain R. K. Schnitler. One of the well known "Kvarstad"-ships that attempted to break out of Sweden on March 31/April 1-1942 following a long court case there. Only 2 out of a total of 10 ships involved managed to reach their destination (Operation Performance, Sir George Binney). Please go to my page Kvarstad Ships & Men for background facts and details on the breakout and all ships involved, with a crew list for each ship as well as info on their fate. There's also a picture of Lionel (which broke off the attempt and returned to Sweden).

POST WAR: This original image from the National Archives of Norway shows her post war voyages.

She was sold in 1955 to Societe Anonyme Maritime et Commerciale SA, Geneva, Switzerland, and renamed Aguante (Panamanian flag). Sold to Thomas W. Ward Ltd. for breaking up at Grays, UK and arrived there on March 17-1964.

(Norway had a whale catcher by the name Lionell (spelt with 2 l's) in the early 1900's, built Oslo 1912, 135 gt).

  • D/S Lisbeth NS
Knut Knutsen O. A. S., Haugesund
2732 gt
Built in Bergen 1922.

See D/S Lisbeth.

  • M/T Lise NS *
S. Holter Sørensen, Oslo
6826 gt
Built in Sunderland 1931.

My page M/T Lise has details on some of her convoy voyages and info on her final fate, as well as a crew list.

  • M/T Lisita
Johan M. Ugland, Grimstad
8484 gt
Built in Malmö, Sweden 1940, launched Apr. 26.

Laid up in Sweden under allied control from 1940 until May 1945.

  • D/T Liss NS
Arth. H. Mathiesen, Oslo
5932 gt
Built at Haverton Hill 1921.

See D/T Liss (incl. a picture).

  • D/S Lista NS
A/S J. Ludwig Mowinckels Rederi, Bergen
3671 gt
Built at Walker-on-Tyne, 1920. Previous name: Rio Grande.

See my page about D/S Lista for more information.

  • D/T Litiopa NS *
Martin Mosvold, Farsund
5356 gt
Built in Sunderland 1917. Previous names: Oleary until 1917, Dockleaf until 1920.

Follow this link to D/T Litiopa for more, incl. crew list.

  • D/S Liv NS * raised
Brummenæs & Torgersen, Haugesund
3068 gt
Built at Stockton 1896.

See D/S Liv.

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Lo - Lu
  • D/S Loke NS
C. T. Gogstad & Co., Oslo
2421 gt
Built Stockton-on-Tees 1915. Previous names: Porthcawl until 1920, Claymont until 1928.

Follow this link to D/S Loke for more information.

  • D/S Lom NS *
Johs. Larsen, Bergen
1268 gt
Built at Hardinxveld, Netherlands 1920.

Please continue to D/S Lom (w/crew list).

  • D/S Lorentz W. Hansen * neutral
Klaus Wiese Hansen, Bergen
1918 gt
Built in Bristol 1920

Captain Klaus Wiese Hansen. Sunk by Deutschland on Oct. 14-1939, on a voyage from Nelson, New Brunswick to Garston with 912 standards of timber, 49 05N 43 44W, 3 died (Norway still neutral).

All 21 men were taken on board Deutschland before their ship was sunk. They were later transferred to M/T Kongsdal, which was en route to a neutral port (Denmark) and was therefore allowed to proceed. Not until the Kongsdal landed the sailors on the Orkney Islands on Oct. 21 did the Admiralty become aware of Deutschland's activities. Kongsdal had been stopped en route by the British Navy and ordered into Kirkwall on the Orkneys for a contraband check, ending up staying there for almost 2 weeks before she was allowed to proceed to Denmark. ("Skip og menn", Birger Dannevig).

  • D/S Lotos NS *
Stener S. Müller, Bergen
1327 gt
Built at Papendrecht, Netherlands 1920. Previous names: Erholm, Svartisen until 1935.

More information about this ship can be found on a separate page, D/S Lotos - includes a crew list at the time of loss.

  • D/S Luna * neutral
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
959 gt
Built in Bergen 1911.

See D/S Luna for more information on her history, as well as her final fate.

  • D/S Lutz NS
C. T. Gogstad & Co., Oslo
1416 gt
Built at Elsinore 1933. Previous names: Ninna until 1935, Martinique until 1937.

Please continue to D/S Lutz.

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Ly - Lø
  • D/S Lyder Sagen NS
Olaf Ørvig, Bergen
3944 gt
Built in Japan (Osaka) 1918. Previous names: Meichu Maru, Storborg and Laval County.

See D/S Lyder Sagen.

  • D/S Lyng NS *
Paul Jebsen, Bergen
953 gt
Built in Wivenhoe, UK 1920. Previous names: Maindy Transport, Ambleside until 1933, Livonia until 1936.

See D/S Lyng.

  • D/S Lynghaug NS *
Johan Hvide, Bergen
2829 gt
Built in Vancouver, Canada 1919. Previous name: Canadian Trooper.

More information on this ship is available on my page D/S Lynghaug - incl. crew list.

  • D/S Lyra NS
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
1474 gt
Built at Stettin 1912. Previous names: Prins Eitel Friedrich until 1914, Fert until 1915, Ural until 1918, Prins Eitel Friedrich until 1922, Schlesien until 1925.

Please continue to D/S Lyra for more information.

  • D/S Lysaker IV NS
Ludvig Lorentzen, Oslo
1551 gt
Built Haverton Hill 1924. Previous name: Vale of Mowbray until 1935.

Please see my page about Lysaker IV for more information (and a picture).

  • D/S Lysaker V NS
Ludvig Lorentzen, Oslo
1571 gt
Built in Porsgrunn, Norway 1936.

D/S Lysaker V has further details on this ship (as well as a picture).

Note that this company's D/S Lysaker is listed in the Homfleet.

  • D/S Lysefjord NS *
Kornelius Olsen, Stavanger
1091 gt
Built in Stavanger 1915.

My page D/S Lysefjord has the details on her final fate, along with a crew list at the time.

NOTE: For info, there's a Lysefjord 1 listed in the "Homefleet" section.

  • D/S Lysland NS
Thv. Halvorsen, Bergen
1335 gt
Built at Blyth 1907. Previous name: Ryhope.

See D/S Lysland.

  • D/S Løvland *
Victor Samuelsen, Farsund
2389 gt
Built in Sunderland 1907.

Ashore and wrecked at Money Point, Cape Breton Island on Aug. 18-1939, on a voyage from Ardrossan to Pugwash.

Norway had previously had another steamship named Løvland, delivered in 1907 to owners in Arendal, 2346 gt. Had misc. owners and managers in Norway, until she ran aground on Aug. 18-1939, voyage Garston-Pugwash. At that time she was owned by Skibs-A/S Sunde (Victor Samuelsen), Farsund.

  • D/S Løvstad NS
Victor Samuelsen, Farsund
3246 gt
Built in Port Glasgow 1921. Previous names: Launched as Georgios, Georgios Mantacas until 1938.

Follow this link to D/S Løvstad for more.

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