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Norwegian Merchant Fleet 1939 - 1945
Ships starting with Sk through Sn

Ships in Foreign Trade (allied service)

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= the ship was in Nortraship's Fleet
= the ship was sunk (or otherwise lost)

= steam ship
= steam tanker
= motor vessel
= motor tanker
= turbine tanker


Ska - Sko
Name of Ship
Managed By
  • M/S Skagerak NS
Olaf Ditlev-Simonsen jr., Oslo
4244 gt
Built in Copenhagen 1936.

Read more about this ship and her war voyages on a separate page entitled M/S Skagerak.

  • M/T Skandinavia NS
The Texas Company (Norway) A/S, Oslo
10 044 gt
Built in Hamburg 1939.

For a picture of this ship and information on her war voyages, please continue to M/T Skandinavia.

  • M/T Skaraas NS
Iver Bugge Larvik
9826 gt
Built in Gothenburg 1936.

See M/T Skaraas.

  • D/S Skarv NS
Rich. Otter, Oslo
930 gt (852?) gt
Built in Porsgrunn 1923. Previous name: Frank until 1932.

Please continue to D/S Skarv for more information.

  • D/S Skiensfjord NS
Den norske Amerikalinje A/S, Oslo
5922 gt
Built in Glasgow 1922.

My information on this ship has been assembled at D/S Skiensfjord. It includes info on convoy voyages and the evacuation of Sørøy.

  • M/S Skjelbred NS *
O. A. T. Skjelbred (Kr. Knudsen), Kristiansand
5096 gt
Built in Copenhagen 1937.

M/S Skjelbred has more on this ship (incl. crew list).

  • D/S Skoghaug *
Alf Lindø, Haugesund
2100 gt
Built in Sunderland 1930. Previous name: Sea Valour.

This ship still belonged to England during the war, and did not become Norwegian until Jan.-1947 when it was purchased by D/S A/S Alf Lindøs Rederi, Haugesund and renamed Skoghaug. I've listed it here, because in a way it can be considered a Norwegian war loss. "Våre gamle skip" gives the tonnage 2099 gt, 1210 net, 3250 tdwt, and says she was delivered in 1930 from S. P. Austin & Son Ltd., Sunderland as Sea Valour to Dover Nav. Co. Ltd, Dover. 276' x 42.2' x 18.6', Triple exp.

She was on a voyage Rotterdam-Oslo when she struck a mine off the coast of Holland, north of Ymuiden, on the night of Dec. 24-1947. Charles Hocking (Dictionary of Disasters at Sea during the Age of Steam 1824-1962) states there was only one survivor, and adds that divers' examination of the wreck suggested that the ship might have been sunk by a boiler explosion. 26 (25?) died.

The following 24 Norwegians are commemorated at the Memorial for Seamen in Stavern, Norway - link below (in alphabetical order):
Mess Boy Thorleif Berg, Stoker Peder Elias Follesø, Ordinary Seaman Harald Heggnes, Able Seaman Olav Erling Holstad, 1st Mate Thorleif Johnstad, Chief Engineer Hjalmar Ludolf Ch. Knutsen, Jr. Ordianry Seaman Malvin Knutsen, Radio Operator Ernst Oskar Larsen, 2nd Mate Georg Lønning, Stoker Alfred Kristoffer Nilsen, 3rd Engineer Konrad Magne Pedersen, Able Seaman Nils Kornelius Randulfsen, Steward Hans Jacob Saga, Stoker Johannes Skuggedal, Ordinary Seaman Tore Hafte Celius Staalesen, "Helper" Arthur Julian Stenersen, 2nd Engineer Olaf Sundfør, Able Seaman Nils Bernhard Sørenes, Stoker Arne Sørvåg, Captain Karsten Tendenes, Deck Boy Leif Johan Tjøsvoll, Stoker Olav August Torstensen, Donkeyman John Ånensen, and Cook Anders Martin Olai Økland.

Related external link:
Stavern Memorial commemorations - This site gives N. Røgenæs as the shipping company, and says 25 died.

  • M/T Skotaas NS
Iver Bugge, Larvik
8190 gt
Built in Dundee 1931.

M/T Skotaas has more details.

  • D/S Skotfoss NS * raised
Thor Thoresen A/S, Oslo
1465 gt
Built in Oslo 1917. Previous name: Skotfos until 1937.

One of the 26 Norwegian ships interned in North and West Africa 1940-1942. See my page about D/S Skotfoss.

  • D/S Skottland NS *
F. N. Nordbø, Haugesund
2117 gt
Built in Zalt-Bommel, Holland 1920. Previous name: Stad Zwolle.

D/S Skottland has more info, including details on her fate, and a crew list.

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Skr - Sky
  • D/S Skrim NS *
Einar Lange, Oslo
1902 gt
Built in Gothenburg, Sweden 1917. Previous names: Viken until 1919, Textil until 1922, Dagali until 1935.

Please go to D/S Skrim for more (w/casualty list).

  • Skudd 3*, 4, 5, 6 NS
Hvalfangstselskapet Finnhval A/S, Tønsberg
247 - 323 gt

The following D/S whalers were managed by Yngvar Hvistendahl, Tønsberg (only 3, 4, 5, and 6 are listed as Nortraship):

Skudd 1 - Built in Tønsberg 1929, 247 gt - German control, the link goes to a thread on my Ship Forum.

Skudd 2 - Built in Tønsberg 1929, 247 gt - German control, follow link for more details.

Skudd 4 - Built in Oslo 1929, 245 gt. Some of her war voyages are listed on this original document received from the National Archives of Norway. A French visitor to my site has told me that Skudd 4 and Skudd 5 were seized in the Atlantic by the French auxiliary cruiser Victor Schoelcher on Apr. 12-1940 (3 days after the German invasion of Norway) and ordered to Casablanca, arrived Apr. 14. Both released a few days later, and both are listed in Convoy HGF 32 from Gibraltar to the U.K. in May/June-1940; follow the link for more info. Captain for Skudd 4 is given as M. Nilssen, destination for both is given as Falmouth and both were in ballast (it looks like the wrong month has been given for Skudd 4's departure Gibraltar on the archive document, possibly also for the previous voyage?). Hired by Royal Navy in June-1940 for use as minesweeper. Renamed HMS Spate on April 3-1944.
Post War: Returned in Oct.-1945 and renamed Skudd 4. Sold in 1946 and renamed Indus 6. Later owned by Compania Industrial, Valparaiso, Chile. Wrecked in Quintay Bay, Chile, June 13-1966 during heavy weather.

Skudd 5 - Built in Oslo 1930, 265 gt. Some of her war voyages are listed on this original document received from the National Archives of Norway. A French visitor to my site has told me that Skudd 4 and Skudd 5 were seized in the Atlantic by the French auxiliary cruiser Victor Schoelcher on Apr. 12-1940 and ordered to Casablanca, arrived Apr. 14. Both released a few days later, and both are listed in Convoy HGF 32 from Gibraltar to the U.K. in May/June-1940; follow the link for more info. Captain for Skudd 5 is given as H. Andersen, destination for both is given as Falmouth and both were in ballast. Hired by Royal Navy in June-1940 for use as a minesweeper; renamed HMS Surge on Apr. 3-1944. Returned in Oct.-1945 and renamed Skudd 5.

Skudd 6 - Built in Tønsberg 1930, 323 gt. Previous name: Hektor 8 until 1935. Skudd 6 is listed among the ships in Convoy HX 37 from Halifax to the U.K. in Apr./May-1940. Some of her war voyages are listed on this original document received from the National Archives of Norway. Hired by Royal Navy in June-1940 for use as a minesweeper. Renamed HMS Sleet on Apr. 3-1944. Returned in Nov.-1945 and renamed Skudd 6.

Other owners:
Skudd 3 - Built 1929, 245 gt. Some of her war voyages are listed on this original document received from the National Archives of Norway. Hired by Royal Navy in June-1940 for use as minesweeper. Attacked by enemy aircraft and sunk at Tobruk on Aug. 27-1941.

  • D/S Skude *
B. H. Ramberg, Drammen
481 gt
Built at Stord 1921. Previous names: Solnut 1921, Claus Clausen until 1922, Tromøy until 1928.

Pre war history: This wooden steamer had been launched in June-1921 as Solnut for P. & O. Thingbø, Stavanger, but was taken over by D/S A/S Claus Clausen (M. Clausen), Haugesund while being fitted out at Rosenberg Mekaniske Verksted, Stavanger. Built by Sagvåg/Stord, delivered in Sept.-1921 and named Claus Clausen (M. Clausen, as mentioned). 481 gt, 267 net, 690 tdwt, 142.2' x 28.4' x 14.4', Triple exp. (W. White & Sons). From 1922 she sailed as Tromøy for T. G. Terjesen, Arendal. Purchased by Anton Salomonsen, Kopervik in June-1926, then sold in Dec.-1928 to Tobias Gjestsen & Ole Melhus, Skudeneshavn, renamed Skude., registered owners A/S Skude. Used as freighter and for fishing on Iceland, with Sev. Falnes as captain. Sold in 1939 to B. H. Ramberg, Drammen.

WW II: Sprang a leak and sank on Jan. 29-1940 near Shipwash on the east coast of England when on a voyage Fowey-Drammen with china clay. (All details from "Våre gamle skip" by Leif M. Bjørkelund and E. H. Kongshavn)

Norway had previously had another small steamer by the name Skude. This ship had originally been delivered in 1855 as Transit 2 for A/B Svenska Kanal Transit, Stockholm, 279 gt. From 1891 she sailed as Skude for Torbjørn Waage, Stavanger. Purchased by Steffen Staalesen, Haugesund in 1900 and used for herring fishing near Iceland. Sold in 1924 to Olav Østensjø, Haugesund. Ran aground on Haugsholm near Stadt on Oct. 19-1927 on a voyage Larsnes-Odda.

  • D/S Skum NS
Lorentz S. Lyngaas & Jacob O. Lyngaas, Tønsberg
1304 gt
Built in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, Holland 1916.

Please continue to D/S Skum for more information, including war voyages.

  • D/S Skytteren NS *
Yngvar Hvistendahl, Tønsberg
12 358 gt
Built in Belfast 1901. Previous name: Suevic.

Built by Harland & Wolff, Belfast in 1901 as passenger / cargo vessel Suevic, White Star Line. Rebuilt in 1907 after grounding and breaking in 2 off Lizard Light (see external link below for complete history and specifications). Sold to Hvalfangerselskapet Finnhval A/S (Yngvar Hvistendahl), Tønsberg in 1928 and converted at Kiel to whale factory.

WW II: One of the well known "Kvarstad"-ships that attempted to break out of Sweden on March 31/April 1-1942 following a long court case there. Only 2 out of a total of 10 ships involved managed to reach their destination (Operation Performance, Sir George Binney). Please go to Kvarstad Ships & Men for background facts and details on the breakout and all ships involved, with a crew list for each ship as well as info on their fate. Also has some excerpts from George Binney's reports.

Related external link:
The great Ocean Liners - This website has the history of Suevic/Skytteren, and several pictures on this page.

Sl - Sn
  • M/T Slemdal NS *
Moltzau & Christensen, Oslo
7374 gt
Built in Odense, Denmark 1931.

In Admiralty service from 1940 (Royal Fleet Auxiliary).

A separate page about M/T Slemdal has more on this ship, incl. details on fate and crew list.

  • M/S Slemmestad NS
A. F. Klaveness & Co. A/S, Oslo
4258 gt
Built in Copenhagen 1928.

M/S Slemmestad has a picture and more information.

  • D/S Snar NS
Kr. Høgh-Hervig, Haugesund
3176 gt
Built in Willington Quay-on-Tyne 1920. Previous name: Fageraas until 1927, Grung (Grong?) until 1933.

Please continue to D/S Snar for further details.

  • D/S Snefjeld NS *
Harald Grieg Martens, Bergen
1644 gt
Built Alblasserdam, Holland 1901. Previous names: Maasstad until 1909, Ottoland until 1915.

D/S Snefjeld has details on her final fate (as well as a link to a picture of the ship when named Ottoland).

  • D/S Sneland I NS *
Rich. Amlie & Sverre Amlie, Haugesund
1791 gt
Built Stettin-Grabow, Germany, delivered in Sept.-1922 as Ingeborg until 1925.

All my available information on this ship (torpedoed May 7-1945) has been assembled on a separate page, D/S Sneland I (includes a crew list).

  • M/S Snestad * neutral
A. F. Klaveness & Co. A/S, Oslo
4114 gt
Built in Malmö, Sweden 1926.

See M/S Snestad for details on her fate.

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