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Departed Liverpool at 13:30 on Febr. 11-1943 and arrived New York on March 3 (Arnold Hague says 48 ships). |
Transcribed from several documents received from Roger Griffiths, England (his source: Public Records Office, Kew).
Info on ships sunk has been added with the help of Please note that there were more ships in this convoy than those listed in this table. The A 1 form appears to show only the ships that made it to New York; stragglers and ships sunk are not included in the document. See also Convoy ON 166 in the section listing ships in all ON convoys. Br=British, Norw=Norwegian, Pa=Panamanian, Am=American, Du=Dutch For info, some of the ships in this convoy are also mentioned in the eastbound Convoys HX 222, HX 223 HX 224 (see also HX 229A and other eastbound convoys from this time period). †=died (sources don't always agree on the number of casualties, hence my question marks), dam=damaged |
Empire Redshank (Br) sunk - 0† Lochmonar |
Empire Trader (Br) sunk - 0† Molda |
Pacific Grove (Br) |
Eulima (Br) sunk - 63 (62?)† City of Canberra |
Empire Chivalry (Br) |
Tropic Star (Norw) |
71 Manchester Merchant (Br) sunk - 36 (35?)† Tortuguero |
81 |
Hastings (Am) sunk - 9† El Oceano |
Expositor (Am) sunk - 6 (7?) † Kaipaki |
Skandinavia (Norw) |
Franz Klasen (Pa) |
Pan-Maryland (Am) |
Windrose |
72 Fort Thompson (Br) |
82 |
Madoera (Du) dam. Gateway City |
Chattanooga City (Am) sunk - 0† Empire Wordsworth |
33 Geo. W. McKnight (Pa) |
43 Tai Shan (Norw) |
53 Brasil (Norw) |
63 Winkler (Pa) sunk - 20 (19?)† Delilian |
73 Fort Vermillion (Br) |
83 Ingria (Norw) sunk - 0† |
14 Charles H. Cramp (Am) |
24 Samuel Chase (Am) |
34 Empire Confidence (Br) |
44 Amastra (Br) |
54 Exilona (Am) |
64 Aruba (Du) |
74 | 84 |
15 | 25 N. T. Nielsen Alonso (Norw) sunk - 3† Pacific Exporter |
35 | 45 Pan-Maine (Am) |
55 | 65 | 75 Glittre (Norw) sunk - 3† |
85 |
Markay (Am?) and the Panamanian El Coston joined from Iceland on Febr. 16 in 57 10N 18 10W - El Coston was detached at 17:00 on the same day (57 12N 18 30W) to return to Iceland with leaky condensor and shortage of water.
Empire Cavalier joined from Halifax at 10:00 on Febr. 28 in 42 44N 59 24W. |
Notes: Commodore W. E. B. Magee, D.S.O., R.N.R. was in City of Canberra, Vice Commodore was the captain of Lochmonar.
Average speed of Convoy ON 166: 7.2 knots. (Daily positions of convoy at 08:00 are available on request via the contact address provided at the bottom of this page). Heavy weather reaching gale force was encountered for the first 8 days of the voyage. Commodore Magee says: "I am happy to report the excellent behaviour and steadiness of the convoy under difficult and trying conditions particularly during enemy attacks". Stragglers (note that some of these are not included in the table above):
The following ships were also sunk or damaged - more details on each of them are available at the external links at the end of this text: The American Chattanooga City was sunk on Febr. 22 by U-606 (no casualties). The Norwegian N. T. Nielsen Alonso was torpedoed by U-92 and U-753 on Febr. 22, later sunk by the escorting Burza. 3 died, 50 survived The British Eulima was sunk on Febr. 23 by U-186 (63 [or 62?] died, 1 taken prisoner - however, note that this information appears to be incorrect. Accordig to this Guestbook message, there were 2 survivors, John Campkin, and Frank Le Riche, both taken prisoners by U-409; follow the link for more details). The American Hastings was also sunk by U-186 that day (9 died). The Norwegian Ingria was torpedoed on Febr. 24 by U-600 and U-628 - no casualties, all 37 survived. The British Manchester Merchant was sunk on Febr. 25 by U-628 (36 [35?] died). The Commodore's comments about some of these attacks: All attacks were made at night and during full moon". Escorts: Local (S): Ocean: Air Escort: Related external links: The history of USS Campbell - Has quite a bit on the events in Convoy ON 166. Hyperwar - Linked directly to Robert Cressman's book entries for 1943 - scroll down to Febr. 20, 21, 22 and 23 for details on the attack on ON 166 (I don't see Ingria mentioned at all here). To the next convoy in my list ON 167 |
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