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D/S Nidaros
Updated July 18-2010

To Nidaros on the "Ships starting with N" page.

A picture of this ship when named Lake Benbow is available on this external page
(Historical Collections of the Great Lakes).

Manager: Krogstad Shipping Agencies Ltd. A/S (Geo. Hansen, Oslo)
2353 gt

Built by Detroit Ship Building Co., Wyandotte, MI in 1918. Some of the following info is in reply to a query on Nidaros posted on my Ship Forum:
1918, Lake Benbow of US Naval Overseas Transportation Service.
In 1925 to Ford Motor Corp, River Rouge, MI, same name, USA flag.
In 1937 to Rederi A/S Nidaros (Geo. Hansen), renamed Nidaros.
(Note, however, that this may not be the ship referred to by Jane Sterret in her original query, she may be talking about another Nidaros, which started life in 1919 as War Timiskaming, see the note at the very end of this page).

According to Historical Collections of the Great Lakes (external link - Lake Benbow):
Length: 250.42 ft
Width: 43.66 ft
Depth: 22.16 ft.
2368 gt, 1445 net, steel hull, hull No. 226 - tonnage changed in 1937 to 2353 gt, 1433 net.
1918-1925 – U.S. Shipping Board, Washington, DC, official No. 216600
1925-1937 – Ford Motor Co., River Rouge, MI
1937-1946 – Rederi A/S Nidaros (Geo. Hansen), Olso, Norway
Further info at "Post War" below.

Her voyages are listed on these original images from the Norwegian National Archives:
Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5


As will be seen when going to Page 1, Nidaros was en route from Table Bay to Durban when war broke out in Norway on Apr. 9-1940. It looks like she later spent a long time in Durban, where she had arrived from Port Elizabeth on Oct. 28-1940. Departure is given as Apr. 7-1941, when she proceeded to Aden. Her 1942 voyages also start on this document and it'll be noticed that there's also a big gap in her voyage information from Febr. 20-1942, when she arrived Durban from Lourenco Marques, to June 14, when she left Durban for Aden - see Page 2; I'm not sure whether she had remained there that long, or whether some voyages for this period are simply not listed. Page 2 also shows most of her 1943 voyages; according to Arnold Hague, she took part in Convoy DN 16 (external link), which left Durban on Febr. 10-1943 and dispersed on the 12th. From the archive document, we learn that she arrived Mombasa on Febr. 22. (The Norwegian Danio and Karmt are also listed in this convoy). The rest of her 1943 voyages are shown on Page 3, which also has 1944 voyages.

It also looks like she stayed at Table Bay for quite some time at the end of 1944/beginning of 1945. According to Page 4, she had arrived Table Bay from Durban on Oct. 22-1944 and departure is given as Apr. 1-1945, when she headed back to Durban.

Page 5 lists her voyages to Apr.-1946.

(Also from the Forum thread mentioned further up on this page).

In 1946 to Eastern Shipping & Trading Co, renamed Eastern Trader, Panamanian Flag. In 1948 to RymoPanama, S.A. Panama.
In 1950 to Great Southern Steamship Co., Panama.
In 1956 to Panamanian Oriental Steamship Corp Panama, renamed Santa Dolores. Broken up in Hong Kong in 1959.

Historical Collections of the Great Lakes says (external link):
1946-1947 – Eastern Steamship Co., Oslo/Panama, Eastern Trader
1947-1950 – Lim Shun Khi Steamship Co., Oslo/Panama
1950-1956 – Great Southern Steamship Co., Oslo/Panama
1956-1959 – Panama Oriental Steamship Co., Oslo/Panama, Santa Dolores
Sold in Apr.-1959 to Hong Kong Shipbreakers and arrived Hong Kong for scrapping on Dec. 13 that year.

Related external links:
A Stavern Memorial commemoration - Able seaman Birger Hjønnevåg is commemorated. However, "Våre falne", a series of 4 books naming Norwegians who died in WW II, lists a Birger Hjønnevåg with the same birtdate as a casualty of Nidarnes when sunk on June 3-1942, and he's indeed included in the crew list for that ship, as will be seen when going to my page about Nidarnes.

Historical Collections of the Great Lakes - To find the picture of her when named Lake Benbow, type "Nidaros" (or Lake Benbow) in the search field for 'vessel', then on the page that comes up, click in the little box with the item number for Lake Benbow.

Back to Nidaros on the "Ships starting with N" page.

As can be seen when using Nidaros as search word at the Historical Collection of the Great Lakes website above, 2 ships will appear in the search results. The 2nd ship was built in 1919 as War Timiskaming, then became French Oise 1919 (Cie Generale Transatlantique, St.Nazaire), Estonian Kotkas 1929 (Kronstrom & Kowamees, Tallinn, Estonia), Panamanian Farida 1941, Panamanian Nidaros 1946, Norwegian Nidaros 1946 (Rederi A/S Nidaros, Oslo), Chinese Kien Yuan 1948 (Kien Yuan SS Co, Shanghai). Her fate is given as "sunk, January 27, 1949, in collision with str. Tai Ping, both vessels sinking, off Wenchow, in position 30 degrees 37N x 112 degrees 25E. Vessel bound from Keelung for Shanghai with coal." In fact, I believe this might be the ship referred to by Jane Sterret in her query on my Forum.


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