Re: A hard-to-find vessel in September 1941 - mystery remains
Posted by:
Tojoda (IP Logged)
Date: January 12, 2019 06:41AM
Hello Darius,
to be more precise, he distinguishes "Warship Raider" victims, "Merchant Raider" victims, and "E-boat" victims.
And he gives following numbers:
a) for warship raiders - 1 ship / 7,500 grt (A MYSTERIOUS ONE???)
b) for merchant raiders - 2 ships / 8,734 grt (Silvaplana 4,793 grt + Stamatios G. Embiricos 3,941 grt)
c) for E-boats - 3 ships / 6,676 grt (Duncarron 478 grt + Eikhaug 1,436 grt + Teddington 4,762 grt).
So we are definitely looking for one more vessel (sunk / captured / counted erroneously for some reasons).
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/2019 06:45AM by Tojoda.