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Patrick O'Brian First Editions for Sale
Posted by: Grayblair1 (
Date: January 15, 2012 04:38AM

Hi All,

Just wanted to let you all know that I am selling 7 First edition Patrick O' Brian Aubrey and Maturin series books. Please find the books on the following link.


Re: Patrick O'Brian First Editions for Sale
Posted by: Grayblair1 (
Date: January 16, 2012 01:57PM

Just one day to go to the end of the auction! Don't miss out!

Re: Patrick O'Brian First Editions for Sale
Posted by: trevor (81.5.186.---)
Date: October 09, 2012 02:10AM

Just tried the link and it just opens Ebay?
Even tried a search but couldn't find anything

can you post the actual link?


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