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Kil-class; HMS Kilbirnie, HMS Kilbride, HMS Kilchattan, HMS Kilchrenan, HMS Kildwick, HMS Kilham, HMS Kilkenzie
Posted by: otto (
Date: October 26, 2006 07:22AM

The book about the British Kil-class who later became Norwegian passenger vessels is now available in book stores.

The book “Frå krigskip til flaggskip” follows the story of 7 ships from the time when they left the shipyard in Chicago, in 1943 and through their time in service for The Royal Navy on the coast of West Africa and in the Mediterranean. The book also tells you about how the ships first came to Norway, the years they sailed under the Norwegian flag and what happened to them after they were sold from the Norwegian companies.

The book is written in Norwegian, but has 180 interesting pictures from the story of the 7 ships.

You can buy the book directly from the publisher at, from the book store at or at .

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