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model ship plans
Posted by: tommyb (
Date: October 18, 2006 02:51PM

hello i am looking for plans of the aud-castro 2-libau,also called the casement ship scuttled in cork habour in 1916 thanks tommyb

Re: model ship plans
Posted by: tommyb (
Date: October 21, 2006 05:18AM

hello i am looking for plans of the aud-castro 2-libau,also called the casement ship scuttled in cork habour in 1916 thanks tommyb

Re: model ship plans
Posted by: Anonymous User (
Date: March 16, 2007 08:22AM

Hello Tommy

In answer to your question - there's a new book out about the AUD called...

AUD by Xander Clayton

There's some stuff on Ebay I found about it. Search under AUD PLANS on ebay.

There's a website too at WWW.AUD-N.ORG

Hope it's of use? Seems to be what you want as it has the plans to the ship.



Re: model ship plans
Posted by: Anonymous User (
Date: April 07, 2007 12:48AM

Hello again Tommy

I got your messages.

According to the distributor the book is out on 20th April 2007. I looked at the website and there are no changes yet. But I think from the gist I get that it will soon be possible to buy directly online as well as shops.

Apparently there is a big newspaper feature about this XANDER CLAYTON and the book AUD in this 2007 Easter Sunday's IRISH MAIL ON SUNDAY.

I think it may even be possible to get a copy tonight.

Exciting isnt it?


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