Re: Nicaraguan steamer BLANCA
Posted by:
Andreas von Mach (IP Logged)
Date: February 08, 2018 10:17AM
Morskoy Sbornik 1901 informed that Nicaragua plan to buy old German ironclad ARMINIUS :)
Naval Institute Proceedings - Band 27 - Seite 773
1901 -
NICARAGUA. Arminius: Purchased from Germany. — A despatch from Managua to the New York Herald says that the Nicaraguan government has purchased from Germany the old armored gunboat Arminius. This old craft is built of iron and was launched in 1864. She was struck from the list of the German navy some years ago and has since been used for harbor service. The principal details are: Armament. — Four 21-centimeter (.8.27-inch), 10-ton, breech-loading rifles of old typ
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/08/2018 01:26PM by Andreas von Mach.