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New book "Shipwrecks of the Forth and Tay"
Posted by: Wrecktec Ron (
Date: January 12, 2009 05:50AM

Hi Guys

Just recieved a copy of Bob's new book, Shipwrecks of the Forth and Tay

Great stuff, the first book, Shipwrecks of the Forth, published in 1993 was a big success and very popular with divers, but this latest one is vastly superior. It has 286 pages, cost in Stirling £18.99, it has a glossy soft back, which is produced in colour and the book covers about 300 wrecks between Berwick and the River Tay (UK). Bob has done a lot of meticulous research with this book and, although the early book was excellent, this one is something else. I'm sure it will be a massive success.
I noted that Amazon has it down for sale at the end of January, but that has been rectified and it is available now at most good book shops around the UK.

Cheers Ron

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