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Vare gamle skip
Posted by: Bruce Bolinger (
Date: June 01, 2005 09:07PM

I am trying to obtain a copy of the following book: "Vare gamle skip" by Leif M. Bjorkelund and E.H. Kongshavn. Tysvaer: Lokalhistorisk stiftelse, 1996. ISBN: 82-91559-02-3. The "a" in "Vare" should have a little circle over it and the "o" in "Bjorkelund" should have a slash through it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Bruce Bolinger

Re: Vare gamle skip
Posted by: Siri (
Date: June 02, 2005 07:55AM

Bruce, it used to be available through this site [] (As you can see from this page [] they still have "Våre motorskip"). I believe "Våre gamle skip" is out of print, but you could try writing to them, there's contact info at the first link.

Also, I believe it's available for sail at the Maritime Museum in Stavanger (it won't be listed on their website, but you can write to them, or call them)

If the above fails, try writing to Hillesland Books []

I'm not sure if any of these will ship books out of Norway though, but it's worth a try.


Re: Vare gamle skip
Posted by: Siri (
Date: June 02, 2005 08:04AM

Bruce - it IS available at the Stavanger museum, I found a dowloadable list of items for sale, and will mail it to you.


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